Tuesday 19 May 2015

the voice that yelled at me!!!

your voice sounds like a thousand seagulls screaming at the beach
a thousand warning sirens keep on beeping
a thousand red fox screaming all at once
a thousand fork scraping on plates
a thousand squeaking Styrofoam
a thousand nails on a chalkboard
a thousand cicadas screaming
a thousand crickets rattling at night
a thousand mechanic tools rattling
a thousand glass plates breaking
a thousand swords across bodies making a sloshing noise 
a thousand untuned violins playing
a thousand doors and windows banging  
a thousand steel plates rubbed against sand
a thousand coins in a steel box being shaken
like someone scratching on an unglazed ceramics plate 
like the voice that yelled at me while i was watching the television  ignoring his choice of channel

Sunday 10 May 2015


so much depends

a mother's loving

giving out rays
 of compassion

filling me with 